because life needs a soundtrack..

because life needs a soundtrack..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Booty Shakin

I love to dance.

Preferably on a dance floor in the middle of a sweaty club with my girls or at a party but really, given half a chance, I will dance anywhere.

For a long time now my daughter (and my son) and I have danced in our lounge room.  Sometimes it is to whatever rubbish is playing on Rage / Video Hits at the time.  Mostly though, it is to our special go-to booty shaker songs. Great workout. Fantastic fun.  And definitely a qualifier for "dance like no-one is watching" because, hey, they are my babies, they don't care (yet) how much of an idiot their Mum looks, they are just happy that I am willing to look like an idiot purely for their enjoyment!

So, without further ado, I present our booty-shakin mix:  (oh, it must be noted that I tend to lean rather heavily towards hip-hop / R & B for our dance sessions; mainly because that is the only style of dance (with the exception of belly) that I can do)

Song                                                         Artist
Crazy In Love                                           Beyonce
Temperature                                           Sean Paul
I Like the Way You Move                        Body Rockers
Pump It                                                    Black Eyed Peas
In Da Club                                             50 Cent
Shook Me All Night Long                       AC/DC
Please Dont Stop The Music                    Rihanna
I Love Rock N Roll                                 Joan Jett
Paradise City                                          Slash feat Cypress Hill/Fergie
Love Stoned                                            Justin Timberlake
My Love                                                 Justin Timberlake
You Can Do It                                      Ice Cube (I just love that opening jangle)
Bounce That                                            Girl Talk

Now, before you start your judging, note - these songs are not generally found on my everyday Ipod.  They exist in my collection purely to fuel these dance sessions. 

So go on - get shaking and don't forget to smile!

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